Learn more about Pilleus hats
Why the name Pilleus?
Something to always treasure...
Learn how the hats are made
Meet Kristina
The hats come in many colors...
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Making Pilleus™ hatsPilleus hats

The hats are hand-knitted by the designer in 100% cotton yarn. It takes about 3 hours to make a hat. Because each hat is made by hand, small variations in the look can be expected.

The hats are 3 inches (approx 7.5 cm) tall and fits babies with a head circumference of 7-7 ½ inches (14-15 cm).

See the actual size >>

They are delivered in a 100% biodegradable ultra-clear cellophane bag, made by regenerated cellulose (celery, cotton, wood or hemp) that is dust and grease resistant.

The hats come in a number of colors and color-combinations. Please contact the designer for a list of what is in stock for over-night shipping or if you have special requests (such as other colors or identical hats for multiples).


Meet the Designer >>